Positive Psychology Session Notes Template

Positive Psychology Session Notes Template


This template is designed for documenting sessions in positive psychology therapy, focusing on the PERMA model: Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. It provides a structured format to track the client's progress in these areas, the interventions used, and the plans for future sessions.


This template is for general therapy sessions in positive psychology. Adjust sections based on the session's focus and the client's needs.

Date: [Record the date of the session]

Session Number: [Note the session number in the sequence of therapy]

Client Name: [Enter the client’s full legal name]

Therapist Name: [Enter the therapist’s full name]

Duration: [Note the length of the session in minutes]


  • [Briefly note how the client is feeling at the start of the session, any recent positive experiences or challenges.]

Review of Previous Session and Homework

  • [Summarize the main points from the last session.]

  • [Review any homework or tasks assigned, including what was completed, any challenges or successes, and how they relate to the client's goals or strengths.]

Current Focus and Topics Discussed

  • [Describe the main issues or areas of focus for this session, such as building resilience, enhancing relationships, or increasing positive emotions.]

  • [Note any specific positive psychology concepts or principles discussed.]

PERMA Assessment

  • Positive Emotions: [Note any positive emotions the client has experienced recently and how they were cultivated.]

  • Engagement: [Discuss the client's level of engagement in activities that they find meaningful or enjoyable.]

  • Relationships: [Explore the quality and satisfaction of the client's relationships, including any improvements or areas for growth.]

  • Meaning: [Examine the client's sense of purpose and meaning in life, and how it is being pursued or enhanced.]

  • Accomplishment: [Review the client's recent achievements and how they contribute to their sense of accomplishment.]

Interventions and Techniques Used

  • [Detail the specific positive psychology techniques or exercises used during the session, such as gratitude practices, strengths utilization, or mindfulness activities.]

  • [For each intervention, describe how it was applied, the client's response, and any insights gained.]

Strengths and Resources

  • [Identify and note the client's strengths that were evident or utilized during the session.]

  • [Discuss any new strengths discovered or how existing strengths are being applied to current challenges.]

Goals and Progress

  • [Review the client's current goals and how they are progressing towards them.]

  • [Note any adjustments to goals or new goals set during the session.]

Plan for the Next Session

  • [Outline the plan for the next session, including any specific topics to cover, techniques to use, or goals to achieve.]

  • [Assign any homework or tasks for the client to complete before the next session, such as practicing a new strength or keeping a gratitude journal.]

Well-being Measures

  • [If applicable, record any scores from standardized well-being measures used to track the client's progress, such as the PANAS or SWLS.]

Therapist's Observations and Impressions

  • [Record any observations about the client's presentation, such as their mood, affect, or body language, that are relevant to their positive psychology journey.]

  • [Note any impressions or hypotheses about the client's strengths, areas of growth, or the effectiveness of the interventions, which can guide future sessions.]

  • [Document any adjustments to the treatment plan or concerns that need to be addressed in future sessions.]

Positive Psychology Session Notes Template (Filled Mock Template)

Date: March 20, 2025

Session Number: 2

Client Name: Sarah Johnson

Therapist Name: Dr. Michael Lee

Duration: 50 minutes


  • Sarah reports feeling a bit down this week due to work stress but mentions that she had a nice evening with friends over the weekend, which lifted her spirits.

Review of Previous Session and Homework

  • The last session focused on identifying strengths using the VIA survey. Sarah completed the survey and found that her top strengths are creativity, curiosity, and perseverance.

  • Homework was to use one of her strengths in a new way each day. She tried using creativity at work by proposing a new project, which was well-received. She also used curiosity by attending a lecture on a topic she was interested in.

Current Focus and Topics Discussed

  • This session focused on enhancing meaning and purpose in Sarah's life. We discussed what gives her a sense of meaning and how she can align her daily activities with her values.

PERMA Assessment

  • Positive Emotions: Sarah has been practicing gratitude by writing down three things she's thankful for each day, which has increased her feelings of joy and appreciation.

  • Engagement: She's been more engaged at work since using her creativity strength, and she's also started a new hobby, painting, which she finds very absorbing.

  • Relationships: Sarah has been making an effort to connect with friends and family more regularly, leading to stronger relationships and a greater sense of support.

  • Meaning: She's exploring ways to volunteer in her community, as she feels that helping others gives her a sense of purpose.

  • Accomplishment: Sarah completed a challenging work project ahead of schedule, which gave her a boost of confidence and a sense of achievement.

Interventions and Techniques Used

  • We used the "Meaningful Life" exercise, where Sarah identified her core values and how she can live more in alignment with them.

  • We also discussed the importance of setting and achieving small, meaningful goals to build a sense of accomplishment.

Strengths and Resources

  • Sarah's strengths of creativity and curiosity are helping her to find new and engaging activities.

  • Her perseverance is evident in her continued effort to practice gratitude and use her strengths daily.

Goals and Progress

  • Sarah's goal is to find a volunteer opportunity that aligns with her values. She's researching local organizations and plans to start volunteering next month.

  • She's making good progress in incorporating her strengths into her daily life and is experiencing more positive emotions as a result.

Plan for the Next Session

  • The next session will focus on relationships and how Sarah can further strengthen her connections with others.

  • Homework: Sarah will reach out to two friends she hasn't spoken to in a while and plan a get-together.

Well-being Measures

  • PANAS score: Positive affect increased from 30 to 35, negative affect decreased from 20 to 15.

Therapist's Observations and Impressions

  • Sarah is highly motivated and has been actively engaging with positive psychology techniques.’

  • She seems to be building a stronger sense of meaning and purpose, which is enhancing her overall well-being.

  • It would be beneficial to explore any potential barriers to her volunteer work and how to manage them.

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